NEA Part 1 - Media Language and Representations Analysis


  • Describe the main characters/people in the media products... E.g. Gender, Age, Race.

The main person in this magazine is a white woman who is mostly likely to be in her early 20's.
  • Are they represented positively or negatively? What gives you this impression
She is negatively represented because she shows the stereotypical perfect woman.
  • What media language elements are they using to construct these representations? For this, don't just look at the obvious, look at everything around the people too, such as colour of text (magazine) or non-diegetic music in the background (video), mise-on-scene (video and magazine, online), etc.
The pink text can be seen as feminine and the bright colours could be aimed for teenagers or young adults.
  • How do logos and other graphics help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
  • How do the colour schemes help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
The bright colours can interest younger readers and catch their attention.
  • Are there are intertextuality elements that help create meaning?
No the magazine cover doesn't make any reference to other media texts. 

  • What type of shot/music are they using? 
Mid / head shot.
  • What connotations do the colours they use have? 
The colours could cannote that it is a fun and light - hearted magazine. 
  • What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? 
The set is barely seen in the front cover and the simplicity of it allows the reader to focus on the models face because it is a beauty magazine. Therefore there doesn't need to be a prominent background because that isn't useful or the main purpose of abeauty mgazine.
  • What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models? 
The hair and makeup represents her as being very glamorous and caring about her appearence. 
  • What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used?
The facial experssion of her smiling makes the magazineseem not too serious and enjoyable to read.
  • What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation?
The staerk white lighting and the head shot indicates to the reader that it is a beauty magazine straight away. 

Image result for beauty magazines


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